Released 8 December 1980, reached no 10, on chart for 15 weeks, achieved Gold status.
Album length 35:12, 2011 bonus EP length 12:57.
1. Flash's Theme
2. In The Space Capsule (The Love Theme)
3. Ming's Theme (In The Court Of Ming The Merciless)
4. The Ring (Hypnotic Seduction Of Dale)
5. Football Fight
6. In The Death Cell (Love Theme Reprise)
7. Execution Of Flash
8. The Kiss (Aura Resurrects Flash)
9. Arboria (Planet Of The Treemen)
10. Escape From The Swamp
11. Flash To The Rescue
12. Vultan's Theme (Attack Of The Hawkmen)
13. Battle Theme
14. The Wedding March
15. Marriage Of Dale And Ming (And Flash Approaching)
16. Crash Dive On Mingo City
17. Flash's Theme Reprise (Victory Celebrations)
18. The Hero
1. Flash (single version)
2. The Hero (October 1980.... Revisited)
3. The Kiss (Aura Resurrects Flash) (early version, March 1980)
4. Football Fight (early version, no synths, February 1980)
5. Flash (live version from The Forum, Montreal, Canada, November 1981)
6. The Hero (live version from The Forum, Montreal, Canada, November 1981)
7. Flash and The Hero (live version from Morumbi Stadium, Sao Paulo, Brazil, March 1981)
8. Flash (alternative promo video)
9. Flash (Vanguard remix promo video)
19. Flash (1991 Remix)
Flash (single version)
Flash / The Hero (High Octane Remix)
The Dark
Produced by Brian May and Mack
Executive Producers - Queen
Mix Down Engineering by Mack and Alan Douglas
Original recordings engineered by Alan Douglas at The Townhouse, Advison and Music Centre Studios in London, England
except 'The Hero', engineered by Mack at Utopia Studios
Recorded in October and November 1980
Music by Queen
John Deacon (bass guitar, guitar, synthesisers)
Roger Taylor (drums, vocals, synthesisers)
Brian May (lead guitar, vocals, synthesisers)
Freddie Mercury (lead vocals, synthesisers)
Additional Orchestral Arrangements by Howard Blake: conducted by Howard Blake: recorded by John Richards and Eric Tomlinson at Anvil Studios
All other Arrangements by Queen
Queen Photos - Neil Preston
Artwork - Cream
This album is the soundtrack to the 1980 film 'Flash Gordon'. All dialogue which is taken from the film is shown in italics. The main characters who speak are Flash Gordon (Sam J. Jones), Dale Arden (Melody Anderson), Dr. Hans Zarkov (Topol), Ming The Merciless (Max Von Sydow), Prince Barin (Timothy Dalton), Prince Vultan (Brian Blessed), Princess Aura (Ornella Muti), General Kala (Mariangela Melato), Klytus (Peter Wyngarde), Ming's Aerial Controller (Max Von Sydow), Prince Of Ardentia (George Harris) and the Priest (Phillip Stone).
All references to the times and lengths of film versions are as they appear on the UK silver anniversary DVD, released in 2005, which all run slightly faster than on the album. The DVD also features a surround sound mix, for which the front and centre channels appear to be normal, but the rear channels mainly include just the music, with very little dialogue or sound effects.
2011 Reissue Notes:
This 2011 version has been meticulously re-created using the finest modern analogue and digital technology.
Executive producers - Brian May and Roger Taylor
Mastered by Bob Ludwig at Gateway Mastering Studios, Portland, ME
Audio supervised by Justin Shirley-Smith and Kris Fredriksson.
Additional audio restoration by Kris Fredriksson
Additional audio supervision by Joshua J. Macrae
Special thanks to Greg Brooks and Gary Taylor
Sleeve notes by Greg Brooks and Gary Taylor
Bonus material mastered by Adam Ayan at Gateway Mastering Studios, Portland, Maine, audio restoration by Kris Fredriksson.
Special thanks to Greg Brooks, Gary Taylor, Declan O'Regan, All at British Grove Studios and FX Copyroom.
- Flash / Football Fight (no 10, 24 November 1980) [discography]
- Flash (Vanguard remix) / various mixes (no 15, 17 March 2003) [discography]
Flash's Theme
Track 1. Written by Brian May. Length 3:30.
The album track includes film dialogue and various sound effects, so the true time for the 'theme' is 2:31. The track was remixed for release as a single, full details of this and all related versions can be found here.
All live performances of the track prior to 1982, were full live, usually as a medley of 'Flash' songs. All tracks from 1982 use a backing track, which was specially produced to open the concerts, and do not include any fully live parts. 1. Film Version (3:22) (appearing at the start of the film from 0:35 onwards; the track is almost identical to the album version, but at around 2:09, it adds six seconds of instrumental keyboards/drum beat, with some destruction sound effects, but as the track runs slightly faster, the overall times are the same. The last nine seconds of dialogue come from various points, rather than together, skipping over Flash meeting Dale, the aeroplane, and Zarkov and Monson)
2. Original Theatrical Trailer (1:47) (on the UK DVD's only; this is a basic remix with few lyrics but more film dialogue and effects)
3. DVD Menu Edit (0:30) (on the original UK DVD only; this is a short edit of the album version, containing the section 1:34 to 2:04, fading out over 3 seconds)
4. Alternative Promo Video AKA DDR TV Mix (2:50) (available on the 2011 iTunes LP as a bonus video only, this is an alternate promo video which is closer to the album version than the single version, and features completely different film excerpts, plus some dialogue from the recording. It ends suddenly with a sci-fi sound effect. The actual video is 3:18 but the actual 'Flash' music is 2:50. The video was originally broadcast during the 'Concerts For Kampuchea' TV special in 1980, and the end features the start of 'We Will Rock You' (fast) in the background)
5. Queen Rocks Volume 3 Promo Edit (3:33) (the 1991 'Hollywood Records' promo CD contains a unique edit, which fades out after the final explosion, presumably during the start of 'In The Space Capsule') 1. Brazil, 1981 (2:04) (recorded at the Morumbi Stadium, Sao Paulo, on 20 or 21 March 1981; available on the 2011 iTunes LP as a bonus video, segueing into 'The Hero')
2. Queen Rock Montreal (2:11) (recorded in Montreal, Canada, on 24/25 November 1981; available on the CD only, and the 2011 double disc reissue, but not on the DVD or the 'We Will Rock You' video)
3. Queen On Fire - Live At The Bowl (1:52) (recorded in Milton Keynes, England, on 5 June 1982)
4. Live In Japan (0:57) (recorded in Tokyo, Japan, on 3 November 1982, and also appears on the 'Queen On Fire - Live At The Bowl' DVD) 1. London Cast Recording (0:42)
2. Spanish Cast Recording (0:52)
3. German Cast Recording (0:48) Ming: Klytus, I'm bored. What play thing can you offer me today?
Klytus: An obscure body in the S-K System, your majesty. The inhabitants refer to it as the planet Earth
Ming: How peaceful it looks
Ming: Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha
Klytus: Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, most effective your majesty. Will you destroy this.... Earth?
Ming: Later, I like to play with things while... before annihilation
Ming: Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha Flash, a-ah, saviour of the universe
Flash, a-ah, you saved everyone of us (Ming: Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha) Flash, a-ah, he's a miracle
Flash, a-ah, king of the impossible
He's for everyone of us
Stand for everyone of us
He saved with a mighty hand (ahhh, ah)
Every man every woman (ahh, ah)
Every child - he's a mighty flash (ahh, ahh, ah) Flash, a-ah
Flash, a-ah, you saved everyone of us
Just a man
With a man's courage
You know he's
Nothing but a man
He can never fail
No-one but the pure at heart
May find the Golden Grail
Ohh, oh
Ohh, oh
Flash Dale: My God we're moving
Zarkov: For God's sake, strap yourselves down Ming: Klytus, I'm bored. What play thing can you offer me today?
Klytus: An obscure body in the S-K System, your majesty. The inhabitants refer to it as the planet Earth
Ming: I like to play with things while... before annihilation
Ming: Pathetic Earthlings - who can save you now? Flash, a-ah, saviour of the universe Agent: Strange object imaged in the Imperial Vortex Flash, a-ah, you saved every one of us Ming: Remove the Earth woman. Prepare her for our pleasure Flash, a-ah Aura: Don't kill him yet, father. I want him He's a miracle Dale: Go Flash, go Flash, a-ah Barin: Flash Flash, a-ah, king of the impossible
He's for everyone of us
Stand for everyone of us
He saved with a mighty hand (ahhh, ah)
Every man every woman (ahh, ah)
Every child - he's a mighty flash (ahh, ahh, ah)
Flash Producer/Director: OK, we're going for a take, let's have quiet please and roll the film. Check headsets, we're on standby, start record Ming: Klytus, I'm bored. What play thing can you offer me today?
Klytus: An obscure body in the S-K System, your majesty. The inhabitants refer to it as the planet Earth
Ming: How peaceful it looks
Ming: Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha
Ming: Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha
Klytus: Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, most effective your majesty. Will you destroy this.... Earth?
Ming: Later, I like to play with things while... before annihilation Flash, a-ah, saviour of the universe (Ming: Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha) (Flash: My God) Flash, a-ah, you saved everyone of us (Klytus: No-one, but no-one, dies in the palace without a command from the emperor)
(Dale: Are we dreaming?) (Flash: I'd like to think so) Flash, a-ah, he's a miracle (Ming: Pathetic earthlings Flash, a-ah, king of the impossible (Ming: Remove the earth woman) (Flash: Forget it Ming) He's for everyone of us
Stand for everyone of us
He saved with a mighty hand
Every man every woman
Every child - he's a mighty flash Kala: This is a public announcement. The earthling Flash Gordon is to be executed at 29:15 Mingo mean time
Aura: Don't kill him yet father, I want him Flash, a-ah Klytus: Flash Gordon is still alive Flash, a-ah, you saved everyone of us
Just a man
With a man's courage
You know he's
Nothing but a man
He can never fail
No-one but the pure at heart
May find the Golden Grail
Ohh, oh
Ohh, oh Flash Klytus: Queen are evil, degenerate, repulsive, unpleasant. I like them.
In The Space Capsule
(The Love Theme)
Track 2. Written by Roger Taylor. Length 2:43. 1. Film Version (2:10) (appearing at approximately 15:31 into the film; this seems to be identical to the album version upto 2:13, but with more dialogue, and quieter music during it. The elements from 2:13 onwards appear during the following 3-4 minutes of the film)
2. DVD Menu Edit (0:20) (on the silver anniversary DVD, on the extras menu; this is an instrumental edit of the album version from approximately 0:13 to 0:36, fading in and out) Agent: Strange object imaged in the Imperial Vortex Klytus: What distance?
Agent: Now parallel to Starfield Zygma 12, approaching
Klytus: Test object for life waves
Agent: Positive. Form unknown. Approximate Mong scale three Agent: Object entering our control range, approaching the Sea of Fire
Klytus: Bring it through safely. Land it
Ming's Aerial Controller: Prisoners, march below me to the presence of Emperor Ming
Ming's Theme
(In The Court Of Ming The Merciless)
Track 3. Written by Freddie Mercury. Length 2:41. 1. Film Version (5:25) (appearing at approximately 20:44 into the film; the first 41 seconds are identical to the album version, with some additional chants from the crowd; the film then features 1:20 of extra dialogue where Vultan and Barin argue; the 1:41 section with the death of the prince is almost identical, but the film features extra dialogue; the film then features a section lasting 0:51 where Flash sees Aura; the final 19 seconds of the album version comes from a section lasting approximately 1:00 in the film, omitting the dialogue between Zarkov and Ming)
2. DVD Menu Excerpt (0:20) (on the silver anniversary DVD, on the setup screen; this is an instrumental edit of the album version, from approximately 0:04 to 0:25) Crowd: Hail, Ming, hail! Ruler of the universe
Crowd: Hail, Ming, hail! Emperor of the galaxy
Klytus: The tributes of the Hawkmen will be first
Dale: Are we dreaming?
Flash: I'd like to think so
Vultan: The fabled ice jewel of Frigia. We seized it in battle from the royal crypt
Barin: Stop. The ice jewel is our tribute, not Vultan's. Vultan stole it while we were burying our dead on Frigia
Vultan: Liar
Barin: You are a thief
Vultan: Die
Klytus: Fetch down your weapons. No-one, but no-one dies in the palace without a command from the emperor
Barin: Hail Ming
Vultan: Die
Klytus: Vultan! You obey, or you sacrifice your daughter
Vultan: Hail Ming Klytus: Now the tributes, from Ardentia Ardentian Prince: Your majesty, we, the people of Ardentia, we have suffered since you blasted our kingdom. I can offer you nothing this year except my loyalty
Klytus: Prince Thun, we prize nothing more highly. And tell us, how great is this loyalty to your emperor?
Ardentian Prince: Without measure
Ming: We are delighted to hear it. Fall on your sword. Show us this loyalty, throw yourself onto your sword Ardentian Prince: May this deed of Prince Thun be an example to all the kingdoms of Mongo, death to Ming Flash: This Ming's a psycho
Ming's Aerial Controller: This Ming is a psycho
Klytus: Who said that?
Ming's Aerial Controller: The fair haired prisoner
Aura: Come along Fellini
Dale: Hey, remember me? Klytus: Who are you?
Flash: Flash Gordon, quarter back, New York Jets
Dale: Dale Arden, your highness. Live and let live, that's my motto
Zarkov: My name is Hans Zarkov, I'm a scientist. I kidnapped them here in an effort to save our planet Earth
Klytus: An obscure body in the SK System, the satellite which has been giving you so much amusement... recently
Zarkov: But why? We are only interested in friendship. Why do you attack us?
Ming: Why not? Pathetic earthlings, hurling your bodies out into the void without the slightest inkling of who or what is out here. If you had known anything about the true nature of the universe, anything at all, you would have hidden from it entirely. Come closer, no not you, you, let us see you Dale: No
The Ring
(Hypnotic Seduction Of Dale)
Track 4. Written by Freddie Mercury. Length 0:57. 1. Film Version (1:16) (appearing at approximately 26:09 into the film; the track is identical to the album version, but features more dialogue, and there is some additional dialogue towards the end, before Flash speaks)
2. DVD Menu Excerpt (0:21) (on the silver anniversary DVD, 2nd chapter selection screen only; this is a straight edit of the film version, corresponding to the album version from approximately 0:09 to 0:31)
3. The Eye Edit 1 (0:13) (during the introductory sequence to the game; an excerpt from 0:01 to 0:14 of the album version, fading in and out)
4. The Eye Edit 2 (0:23) (on 'The Art Of Queen The Eye' CD-Rom only; an excerpt from 0:01 to 0:24 of the album version, fading in and out) Flash: Dale!
Zarkov: Don't Flash
Ming: Did you ever see such response?
Klytus: No, truly. She even rivals your daughter
Dale: What happened to me?
Flash: I don't know, but it was pretty sensational
Ming: Remove the Earth woman. Prepare her for our pleasure
Crowd: Hail Ming, hail Ming, hail! Flash: Forget it Ming, Dale's with me
Football Fight
Track 5. Written by Freddie Mercury. Length 1:29.
This track was apparently referred to as 'Freddie's Theme No. 2' on the 24 track tapes.
In the film, there is a 34 second orchestral piece between Flash's 'forget it Ming, Dale's with me' dialogue and the start of the track. 1. Early Version, No Synths, February 1980 (1:55) (available on the 2011 double disc reissue only; this is an earlier version of the track, with the usual synths replaced by piano from Freddie throughout. It is surprisingly similar to the finished album version, but longer, and obviously lacks the film dialogue. The only dialogue is Freddie saying 'one, two, three, four' midway through)
2. Film Version (1:29) (appearing at approximately 27:59 into the film; musically this is virtually identical to the album version, but features additional dialogue and sound effects. The existing dialogue is also rearranged slightly, with Ming's dialogue starting at 0:21 in the film and 0:39 on the album) Flash: Yeah Ming: Klytus, are your men on the right pills? Dale: Get 'em Flash Ming: Maybe you should execute their trainer? Dale: Go Flash
Klytus: Come here, you fools. He's playing some barbaric game. Now match him, like this. Now Flash: Forty one, forty two, forty three
Dale: Go Flash go, go Flash go, go Flash go, go Flash go
In The Death Cell
(Love Theme Reprise)
Track 6. Written by Roger Taylor. Length 2:25. 1. Film Version (3:29) (appearing at approximately 32:08 into the film; this is very similar to the album version, but the track is longer, with far more dialogue) Flash: You look great. No kidding, you look great
Dale: It's the eye make-up. I hope I remember the trick when I wake up
Flash: I'll be darned, that's exactly what I was gonna tell you
Dale: What? Flash: This isn't happening Dale, we're not here, it's just a bad dream
Dale: Oh, I agree completely, why we'll wake up any minute in Dark Harbour and have a laugh about all this Flash: Yeah, only next time I won't just ask the maitre d' your name, I'll walk over and talk to you
Dale: You promise?
Flash: I promise, cross my heart and hope to... I really will talk to you Dale
Dale: Oh, what if we're wrong, Flash?
Flash: We can't be
Dale: What if it isn't a dream?
Flash: Then you'll find Zarkov, you'll save the Earth somehow, and he'll get you home in the capsule
Dale: But what about you?
Flash: Don't think of me Dale, think of
Dale: Flash!
Flash: No, don't, don't, don't look at it
Dale: It won't turn over, it won't turn over
Ming: Did you enjoy yourselves on Sybaria? I understand you flew the doctor there last week. Klytus kindly fed me the information
Aura: Klytus? He wants me himself. His agents are always making up lies about me Aura: Look, water is leaking from her eyes
Ming: It's what they call tears, it's a sign of their weakness
Doctor: This will help you on your way
Execution Of Flash
Track 7. Written by John Deacon. Length 1:06.
The album version of this track has no lyrics or dialogue. 1. Film Version (1:09) (appearing at approximately 35:37 into the film; the album version features 39 seconds of guitar, then a bell ringing, and 20 seconds of orchestral music, with no dialogue at all. In the film, there is only around 8 seconds of guitar, then orchestral music takes over, finishing at around 0:40 into the track. The bell ringing section is slightly longer, with other sound effects, and the orchestral music at the end features dialogue) Dale: Flash, Flash, Flash
Aura: Hurry
Doctor: Do you realise what happens to me if I'm found out?
The Kiss
(Aura Resurrects Flash)
Track 8. Written by Freddie Mercury. Length 1:45.
The album version of this track has no dialogue or proper lyrics, but features vocal improvisations by Freddie. 1. Early Version, March 1980 (1:10) (available on the 2011 double disc reissue only; this is a slow piano and vocal version, with vocals very similar to those found in the album track. The piano briefly becomes the main 'Football Fight' theme towards the end)
2. Film Version 1 (0:48) (appearing at approximately 37:10 into the film; this is almost identical to the album track until around 0:49, with more dialogue, followed by the last two 'ooh's of the track, from 1:41 onwards)
3. Film Version 2 (0:54) (appearing at approximately 43:02 into the film; this is the orchestral part of the album track, from around 0:50 onwards, omitting the 'ooh's from 1:41 onwards, with more dialogue. The two versions are separated by Zarkov's mind-cleaning sequence)
4. Menu Edit 1 (0:30) (on the 'Days Of Our Lives' bonus features menu, this is an edit of the first 0:30 of the track, fading out quickly at the end)
5. Menu Edit 2 (0:02) (on the 'Days Of Our Lives' bonus features menu, when you select an option; this is an edit from around 0:03 to 0:05, fading at the end) Flash: Where am I?
Aura: Back from the dead. I've saved you
Flash: My God! How?
Aura: By magic, of course, with a kiss, because I like you
Flash: Where's Dale and Zarkov?
Aura: Don't worry about them, they're safe now. Quickly, put this uniform on before the lizard men arrive to bury you. Don't worry, I won't look. I like you a lot Aura: Now, take a left turn over Frigia, the next moon rising. Every moon of Mongo is a kingdom. My father keeps them fighting each other constantly. It's a really brilliant strategy
Flash: Why don't they team up and overthrow him?
Aura: 'Team up', what does that mean?
Flash: Maybe I'll show you sometime
Aura: Wonderful. You can do that when I take you to Cythera
Flash: Where?
Aura: It's my secret pleasure moon. I have a little palace there, built just for two
Flash: Wait a minute Aura
Aura: Oh Flash, I saved your life
(Planet Of The Treemen)
Track 9. Written by John Deacon. Length 1:42. 1. Film Version (2:14) (appearing at approximately 54:38 into the film; the basic track is very similar, but it features a lot more dialogue, some of it re-arranged, as well as a 30 second orchestral piece where Dale and Zarkov escape)
2. The Eye Edit (0:09) (on 'The Art Of Queen The Eye' CD-Rom and during the introductory sequence to the game; an excerpt from 0:15 to 0:24, used in several different places) Aura: I brought you a present - Flash
Barin: Welcome back from the grave
Barin: You are playing with fire, Aura
Aura: Of course I am
Barin: Harbouring a fugitive from Ming is treason
Flash: Prince Barin, I'm not your enemy, Ming is. Let's all team up and fight him
Barin: Lower them into the swamp Aura: That was extremely moving
Barin: You came!
Aura: I do sometimes keep a promise
Barin: Prepare a feast
Aura: No, not for me. I have to get back right away before I am missed
Barin: Get back right away? Then why did you come?
Aura: I brought you a present - Flash
Flash: Hello
Barin: Welcome back from the grave. I knew you were up to something, though I confess I hadn't thought of necrophilia
Aura: All I want you to do is keep him for me, until my father has had his way with Dale Arden
Barin: I'll keep him for you alright, in my larder. Take him, along with the rest of the hanging meat
Aura: No Barin, I forbid it. If you kill Flash you'll never have me again. What danger is there? Everyone thinks he's dead. I swear I'll take him away to Cythera next week
Barin: Harbouring a fugitive from Ming is treason
Aura: That's only an excuse Barin. You're not frightened of Ming
Barin: You are playing with fire, Aura
Aura: Of course I am
Flash: Does anyone ever trust her twice?
Dale: So that's why they let us escape, Klytus thought he'd wiped out your memory
Zarkov: But do you know why it really failed?
Dale: I can't imagine
Zarkov: As I was going under, I started to recite Shakespeare, the Talmud, the formulas of Einstein, anything I could remember, even a song from The Beatles, it armoured me girl. They couldn't wipe those things away. You can't beat the human spirit
Dale: Ahhh
Flash: Prince Barin, I'm not your enemy, Ming is, and you know it yourself. Ming is the enemy of every creature on Mongo. Let's all team up and fight him
Barin: Lower them into the swamp
Escape From The Swamp
Track 10. Written by Roger Taylor. Length 1:43. 1. Film Version 1 (0:17) (appearing at approximately 1:02:28 into the film; this is a short excerpt, similar to the album version from 0:26 onwards, lacking drums over the first few seconds)
2. Film Version 2 (0:32) (appearing at approximately 1:05:32 into the film; this is similar to the album version from the very start, but more atmospheric, and loses some of the drums. The two versions appear either side of the Arborian 'beast challenge', while the 'wedding' dialogue at the end of the album version comes from some time after the track) Slave: You are to be prepared for your wedding Flash: Where are the weapons?
Fico: Feel one Barin: Leave him! He's mine, I hunt him alone
Flash To The Rescue
Track 11. Written by Brian May. Length 2:44. 1. Film Version (3:10) (appearing at approximately 1:24:01 into the film; this is very similar to the album version, but slightly longer, adding some extra dialogue over the main beat)
2. Film Version Reprise 1 (0:44) (appearing at approximately 1:30:31 into the film, segueing from 'Battle Theme'; this version just retains the beat, and adds some orchestral music and dialogue)
3. Film Version Reprise 2 (1:26) (appearing at approximately 1:32:18 into the film, just before the first part of 'The Wedding March'; this version retains one 'Flash' and the beat, with lots of dialogue)
4. Film Version Reprise 3 (0:27) (appearing at approximately 1:34:21 into the film, between the two parts of 'The Wedding March'; this version also just retains the beat) Dale: I'm lost Aura, nothing can save me now Flash, a-ah Commander: General Kala, Flash Gordon approaching
Kala: What do you mean, Flash Gordon approaching?
Commander: On a Hawkman rocket cycle. Shall I inform his majesty?
Kala: Imbecile, the emperor would shoot you, for corrupting his wedding with this news. Fire when Gordon's in range Flash, a-ah Kala: He's escaping, idiots. Despatch War Rocket Ajax to bring back his body
Captain: Charge the boosters
Controller: Flash Gordon in range, Captain
Captain: Fire Controller: Shall we go in after him, Captain?
Captain: No, reduce velocity Flash: Vultan, my trap plan worked, they'll follow me for sure
Vultan: Good, standby my Hawkmen Controller: He's not coming out Sir
Captain: Charge capacitators to electrify cloud. Prepare skynets to catch Gordon's body Captain: Fire capacitators
Vultan: Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, they're trying to flush you out
Captain: OK, let's go in after him
Vultan: Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, good, they're coming through
Vultan: Squadron forty - Flash: Come on, let's get out of here
Vultan: Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha. Well done Flash. Here, you'll need this. Up there, Luro. This way Flash, come on
Captain: Full velocity. All drives
Vultan: Ha, ha Aura: They've changed the code
Barin: I've changed too, Aura
Aura: And I've changed too
Zarkov: Oh, it's OK, I think I can work it out
Barin: I love you, will you marry me?
Aura: I don't know, we'll try. Not now, Barin!
Barin: You haven't changed
Aura: If I'm not at the wedding, I'll be shot
Zarkov: Ahh, I thought it was one of the prime numbers of the Zeitman series. I haven't changed Flash, a-ah Vultan: Alright everybody, take off. Form into a battle stream behind the rocket. Flash and me bail out when the shooting starts. And Biro, remember to keep your head down
Biro: See you in the city, Prince
Vultan: Yes, with luck. Flash, what are you setting there
Flash: That's how long Earth has left, according to Zarkov, in minutes and seconds. Level with me Vultan, will this do it?
Vultan: Yes, no doubt. There's a lightning field across the entrance. When this baby hits it, boom, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, all the fuel and everything, it will blow that field dead. My hawkmen fly right in. Come, let's hear what Mingo city's saying Captain: Rocket Ajax returning
Kala: With Gordon's body?
Captain: I presume so. Communications are off for some reason
Kala: Are they in the proper approach pattern for today?
Captain: Negative, they are not
Kala: Open fire!
Captain: On Ajax General?
Kala: Open fire, all weapons, now! Charge the lightning field. I take personal responsibility, in the Emperor's name
Vultan's Theme
(Attack Of The Hawkmen)
Track 12. Written by Freddie Mercury. Length 1:13. 1. Film Version (1:10) (appearing at approximately 1:27:11 into the film; this is identical to the album version but with an extra line of dialogue) Vultan: - dive Captain: Arm topside. Fire Vultan: Second wave - dive
Captain: Stop all engines, repel borders
Battle Theme
Track 13. Written by Brian May. Length 2:18.
An unreleased instrumental titled 'Battle Scene', which is also known as 'Battle Theme', was recorded during the 'Highlander' sessions in 1986, but the track is completely different. 1. Film Version (2:10) (appearing at approximately 1:28:21 into the film; this is identical to the album version, with some extra dialogue. It segues into a reprise of 'Flash To The Rescue' rather than fading out, so omits the last four seconds of the album version) Flash: Biro's hit, I'm going in after him
Vultan: Uh, impetuous boy. Ah well, who wants to live forever? Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha - dive Flash Flash: Biro, hold on I'm coming. Biro, you alright?
Biro: They just winged me. Detonate the mine
Flash: Right Vultan: Long live Flash
Flash To The Rescue (reprise 1) (film only)
The Wedding March
Track 14. Written by Brian May. Length 0:56.
The album version of the track has no dialogue or lyrics.
1. Film Version 1 (0:37) (appearing at approximately 1:33:44 into the film; this features the album version from the start to around 0:21, then 0:35 to 0:53, with an extra cymbal crash at 0:20)
2. Film Version 2 (0:23) (appearing at approximately 1:34:49 into the film; this contains the album version from around 0:20 to 0:42. Each part starts instantly with dialogue or sound effects, and the two parts are separated by a reprise of 'Flash To The Rescue')
Flash: Oh my God
Kala: Attention all wedding guests. There is no cause for alarm. The city's weapons are being fired in continuous salute in honour of his imperial majesty's wedding
Flash To The Rescue (reprise 2) (film only)
The Wedding March (part 2) (film only)
Marriage Of Dale And Ming
(And Flash Approaching)
Track 15. Written by Brian May and Roger Taylor. Length 2:04. 1. Film Version (4:25) (appearing at approximately 1:35:10 into the film; this is essentially the same as the album version, but adds a 1:37 section at 0:31 where Barin kills Kala, and the other sections are longer, with far more dialogue) Vultan: Come on Flash, come on, it's time to bail out
Flash: Sorry Vultan, I'm not coming
Vultan: What? Flash: The rocket cycle's gone
Vultan: So, come on, I'll carry you
Flash: Bail out Vultan, before it's too late
Vultan: Flash, are you crazy?
Flash: The fire's too heavy, you know we'll never make that opening with nobody at the wheel
Vultan: Come on, you'll be blown to pieces Flash, it's suicide
Flash: No, a rational transaction, one life for billions
Vultan: Come on, you'll be destroyed
Flash: You loony bird, get out of here, they need you on the ground Vultan: Well, goodbye Flash. It's been...
Flash: I know, for me too Vultan. Tell Dale... I know it would have been good
Vultan: That must be one hell of a planet you men come from
Flash: Not too bad Flash, a-ah He saved everyone of us Vultan: Onwards my brave Hawkmen, let peace be known forever as Flash Gordon's name Barin: Freeze! You bloody bastards. Freeze
Zarkov: Take us to Ming
Kala: We do not lead traitors to the imperial presence
Zarkov: We'll find a way. Grab an imager off one of those agents
Barin: Zarkov!
Zarkov: Thank you
Agent: Rocket Ajax still approaching. Lifeform scanners identify earthling Gordon at the controls. We guarantee it's destruction when it reaches the lightning fields. General Kala. General Kala will you please show yourself on my screen
Barin: Let's go
Zarkov: Wait, we've got to deactivate the lightning field. Where are the atomic generators?
Barin: There's no time, they're six miles underground. I'm heading for sector Alpha 9. Hold the fort
Zarkov: There has to be a way of deactivating the lightning field
Crowd: Hail Ming, Hail Ming, Hail Ming Priest: Do you, Ming The Merciless, ruler of the universe, take this earthling, Dale Arden, to be your empress of the hour
Ming: Of the hour, yes
Priest: Do you promise to use her as you will?
Ming: Certainly
Priest: Not to blast her into space... until such time as you grow weary of her
Ming: I do
Dale: I do not Flash - a-ah
He's a miracle
King of the impossible Priest: Recite after me your majesty, with this ring, ring, ring, ring. ring. ring. Recite after me your majesty, with this ring, I thee wed Flash Flash: Dale, what a damn shame
Barin: Freeze! Deactivate the lightning shield
Crash Dive On Mingo City
Track 16. Written by Brian May. Length 1:01.
1. Film Version (2:18) (appearing at approximately 1:39:35 into the film; the first 0:41 of the track is the same; the film then includes 26 seconds of orchestral music, followed by a further 6 seconds from the album version; the film then adds 55 seconds of dialogue, and both versions finish with the same 14 seconds, but the film has more dialogue. The final line differs between the two versions, as the 'saviour of the universe' line does not actually appear in the film at all)
Ming: Gordon
Dale: Flash! Go Flash!
Flash: The game's lost Ming. Stop your attack on Earth and I'll spare your life
Ming: You pitiful fool. My life is not for any Earthling to give, or take
Flash: Your power's fading Ming
Barin: The reactors are destroyed. Glad you made it Vultan
Vultan: Better late than never, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha
Flash: Dale
Vultan: Look out Flash
Dale: Flash, don't move. Stay where you are
Ming's Aerial Controller: Long live Flash, you've saved your Earth. Have a nice day
Ming's Aerial Controller: Hail Flash Gordon, saviour of the universe
Flash's Theme Reprise
(Victory Celebrations)
Track 17. Written by Brian May. Length 1:24. 1. Film Version (1:29) (appearing at approximately 1:41:53 into the film; this is very similar to the album version, but slightly longer, adding a couple of very short sections with dialogue) Flash: Yeah!
He's for everyone of us
Stand for everyone of us
He saved with a mighty hand
Every man every woman
Every child - he's a mighty flash Vultan: Barin is the rightful heir
Crowd: Hail Barin! King of possible Barin: We owe everything to Flash. Hail Flash. We appoint Vultan general of our armies. From this day on, let every breed of Mongul live together, in peace
Vultan: Hail Barin!
Dale: Will we ever get out of here Hans?
Zarkov: I don't know, but we'll try
Barin: We certainly invite you all to stay
Flash: What do you think?
Dale: I'm a New York City girl. It's a little bit too quite around here for me (No-one but the pure of heart may find the golden grail, ah, oooh)
The Hero
Track 18. Written by Brian May. Length 3:30. 1. October 1980... Revisited (2:55) (available on the 2011 double disc reissue; this is the full unedited version from the multi-track tapes, with Freddie's double tracked vocal. The track is heavier and rougher than normal, with the 'Flash' keyboards louder throughout, and a few different elements, particularly around the orchestral section. It omits the introductory instrumental section upto 0:41, and the explosion from 3:15 onwards)
2. Film Version (3:36) (appearing at the end of the film at around 1:43:25; this is a similar mix to the album version, but has a couple of lyric changes and has a rawer, unpolished feel) 1. Brazil, 1981 (1:19) (recorded at the Morumbi Stadium, Sao Paulo, on 20 or 21 March 1981; available on the 2011 iTunes LP as a bonus video, segueing from 'Flash')
2. Queen Rock Montreal (1:37) (recorded in Montreal, Canada, on 24/25 November 1981; on the CD only, and the 2011 double disc reissue, but not on the DVD or the 'We Will Rock You' video)
3. Queen On Fire - Live At The Bowl (1:43) (recorded in Milton Keynes, England, on 5 June 1982)
4. Live In Japan (1:44) (recorded in Tokyo, Japan, on 3 November 1982, and also appears on the 'Queen On Fire - Live At The Bowl' DVD) Ming: Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha Yeah So you feel like you ain't nobody
Always needed to be somebody
Put your feet on the ground
Put your hand on your heart
Lift your head to the stars
And the world's for your taking
Are you ready to save the world
So you feel like it's end of story
Find it all pretty satisfactory
Well I tell you my friend
This might seem like the end
But the continuation is
Yours for the making
Yes, you're a hero
Ooh, yeah Flash, a-ah
Saviour of the universe Flash, a-ah
He's for everyone of us
Stand for everyone of us
He saved with a mighty hand (he saved with a mighty hand)
He saved with a mighty hand (he saved with a mighty hand)
He saved with a mighty hand (he saved us)
Every man, every woman, every child, he's a mighty
Flash, a-ah
Written by Brian May.
This is the single version of 'Flash's Theme', similar to the album version but remixed and featuring different dialogue.
The promo video on 'Greatest Flix' ends with a lengthy drone noise as the credits roll, but is otherwise the same as the single version.
The track was later extensively remixed by Vanguard, full details are available on the 'Flash' Remixes page. It was also used as the basis for the 2013 Brian May single 'Save The Badger Badger Badger'.
Details are also available of the 'Greatest Video Hits I' surround sound mix. 1. Single Version (2:46) (on the 7" single, 'Greatest Hits', 'Crazy Little Thing Called Love' 3" CD, the Japanese CD 'Queen Jewels', the 2011 double disc reissue, and in the 'Queen Singles Collection 2' boxed set)
2. 'Greatest Karaoke Hits' Edit (2:40) (on the 'Greatest Karaoke Hits' 2004 DVD only; this is a slight edit of the single version, which fades out earlier)
3. Instrumental Version (2:40) (on the 'Greatest Karaoke Hits' CD, DVD and video; an instrumental version of the above edit, retaining some backing vocals, and fading out slightly earlier)
4. Hollywood Records Remix (6:41) (on the US remaster only; a dance remix, retains only some vocals)
5. 'Greatest Flix I & II' Video-CD Edit (2:30) (apparently this edits some of the intro, and fades out much earlier) Flash, a-ah, saviour of the universe
Flash, a-ah, you saved everyone of us Reporter: Seemingly there is no reason for these extraordinary inter-galactical upsets (Ming: Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha)
Dale: What's happening Flash?
Reporter: Only Dr. Hans Zarkov, formerly of Nasa, has provided any explanation Flash, a-ah, he's a miracle Reporter: This morning's unprecedented solar eclipse is no cause for alarm Flash, a-ah, king of the impossible
He's for everyone of us
Stand for everyone of us
He saved with a mighty hand (ahhh, ah)
Every man every woman (ahh, ah)
Every child - he's a mighty flash (ahh, ahh, ah) Commander: General Kala, Flash Gordon approaching
Kala: What do you mean, Flash Gordon approaching? Open fire. All weapons. Dispatch war rocket Ajax to bring back his body Flash, a-ah Vultan: Gordon's alive? Flash, a-ah, you saved everyone of us
Just a man
With a man's courage
You know he's
Nothing but a man
He can never fail
No-one but the pure at heart
May find the Golden Grail
Ohh, oh
Ohh, oh Dale: Flash, Flash I love you, but we only have fourteen hours to save the Earth Flash
Flash / The Hero
(High Octane Remix)
Written by Brian May.
This is a short remix, produced by Brian, and was used to promote coverage of the 2007 Formula 1 season on the Japanese TV channel Fuji.
It features some of 'Flash' and then 'The Hero' from approximately 2:09 onwards, with narration about the Formula 1 season and other sound effects. Length 1:43.
This version was also later released on the Japanese only 'In Vision 2008' and reissued 'Jewels' albums. The season opener will get underway halfway around the globe
At the world's most dangerous park (Flash, a-ah, saviour of the universe) The Devil's Turn 16 is the turn that triggered the emperor's retirement
The most dangerous corner is Turn 1 (Flash, a-ah, king of the impossible) The Hillside Park, the fastest to conquer this turn will lead the new era (Flash, a-ah)
He's for everyone of us
Stand for everyone of us
He saved with a mighty hand (he saved with a mighty hand)
He saved with a mighty hand (he saved with a mighty hand)
He saved with a mighty hand (he saved us)
Every man, every woman, every child, he's a mighty
Flash, a-ah